Jewish Family Service gives thanks to its donors, volunteers and partners


While fall brings the natural beauty of changing leaves and the start of holiday festivities, it also initiates a time of great need for many in the community. The colder weather   means an increase in heating bills and Thanksgiving brings the expectation of a hearty holiday meal for families across Rhode Island. Jewish Family Service and many other community agencies are here to support those struggling to provide necessities and holiday meals for their families.

Each year, Jewish Family Service, with support from the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island and the Jewish Seniors Agency, coordinates the distribution of Kosher Thanksgiving food packages, including gift cards for perishable food items, for families in our community who are in financial need. Staff and volunteers assist in the shopping, coordination and distribution of these donations. All three organizations are thankful to the many donors and volunteers who support this meaningful effort.

The impact on community members is significant. Requests for Thanksgiving baskets have increased by 24 percent from last year. This year we are on target to provide baskets to over 50 households throughout the state. These households vary greatly, and include individuals, young families, single-parent families, senior citizens, and multigenerational families. All have reached out to JFS for help with providing their families with food for Thanksgiving.

It is important to recognize, though, that our Thanksgiving program is just a small part of how we help clients. Throughout the year we are inundated with calls from families and individuals who are struggling to keep utilities on, whose sudden job loss has made it impossible to pay a month’s rent, or who need guidance on how to navigate available resources. 

The holiday season is a powerful reminder of the strength in our small Rhode Island community. We’re grateful to donors, volunteers and community partners who help us support our neighbors in need both during the holidays and throughout the year.

JULIE HERZLINGER, MSW, LCSW, is the community resource and outreach specialist at Jewish Family Service. To find out more about the case management program at Jewish Family Service, contact her at or 401-331-1244.