Re: A mother’s perspective (April 25)


I was about to discontinue my subscription to The Jewish Voice... when I serendipitously opened to page 36...A Mother’s Perspective!

Kudos to Kara Marziali for acknowledging how special your little fellow is... the lessons he teaches you every day and the voice to share with others who feel alone... and to those who do not understand that children are not made from cookie cutters.  

Our schools have been inclusive since day one. We have been blessed to have several children who fall within the spectrum entrusted to our care. These children add so much to our community. They encourage and challenge us to be as creative as possible...  their success depends on our creativity. I urge all educators and parents to support inclusive settings. They provide the most optimal learning environment for all children! 

Thank you for sharing Edward with me. Let us always remain passionate and continue to nurture and foster the beauty in all of our children. Please keep The Jewish Voice readers in Edward’s loop.

Lesley Nan Haberman


The Family Schools

New York City